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Stewardship through financial strength

At OneAmerica Financial we advance the financial security of customers by maintaining exceptional financial strength. As a mutual organization, we focus on the interests and long-term success of our policyholders, not shareholders as with publicly traded companies.


Strength and financial ratings

We are built to withstand challenging economic times, and we continually outperform peers by responsibly managing our investments. For more than 145 years, millions of Americans have trusted the companies of OneAmerica Financial to deliver on our promises. Our financial strength proves we will fulfill our commitment to you, too.

View our most recent consolidated financial documents based on generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).

OneAmerica Financial's financial results are reported using generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).

The following documents contain financial information prepared in accordance with the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) and filed with state insurance departments to satisfy state insurance regulations. Each of the companies of the OneAmerica Financial has a separate filing.

Financial information prepared using generally accepted accounting principals (GAAP) is significantly different than financial information prepared in accordance with NAIC standards.

American United Life Insurance Company® (AUL)

The State Life Insurance Company

Pioneer Mutual Life Insurance Company (PML)

Integrity backed by insurance company ratings

We have received favorable recognition for our overall strength from A.M. Best, and S&P Global Ratings, the industry's leading credit rating agencies. These agencies provide independent, third-party evaluations of the financial strength and claims-paying ability of the companies of OneAmerica Financial. Ratings are under continuous review and subject to change and/or re-affirmation.


A.M. Best rates OneAmerica A+ (Superior) — stable outlook

Policyholders refer to A.M. Best's ratings and analysis to assess the financial strength and creditworthiness of insurance organizations. On Aug. 31, 2023, A.M. Best affirmed the A+ (Superior) financial strength rating for the following OneAmerica Financial companies: American United Life Insurance Company (AUL) and its affiliate: The State Life Insurance Company. An A+ (Superior) rating is the second highest of 15 possible ratings.

S&P Global Ratings affirms OneAmerica Financial AA- — stable outlook

Investors who want to make informed decisions turn to S&P Global Ratings(S&P) for market intelligence, including credit ratings, indices, investment research and risk evaluations. On Aug. 23, 2023, S&P affirmed its fourth highest of 22 possible ratings, AA-, for the OneAmerica Financial life insurance companies, American United Life Insurance Company (AUL), and The State Life Insurance Company. S&P maintained its stable outlook.

Ratings Chart

OneAmerica Financial insurance companies are among only 8% of U.S. life insurers with an A.M. Best rating of A+ (Superior) or higher and a S&P Global Ratings of AA- or higher.


OneAmerica Financial is one of 28 life groups/unaffiliated companies rated A+ (A.M. Best) and AA- (S&P) or higher*

The remaining 92% are comprised of 306 life groups/unaffiliated companies excluding those rated A+ (A.M. Best) and AA- (S&P) or higher.


*Calculated by OneAmerica based on data provided by SNL Financial as of 8/31/2023. 

These ratings reflect rating agency assessments of the financial strength and claims-paying ability of the companies of OneAmerica. They are not intended to reflect the investment experience or financial strength of any variable account, which is subject to market risk. Ratings are assessed annually and can be changed at any time.


OneAmerica companies include American United Life Insurance Company® and its affiliates The State Life Insurance Company®. A+ is the second highest of A.M. Best’s 15 rating categories and AA- is the fourth highest of Standard and Poor’s 22 rating categories.


Securities offered through OneAmerica Securities, Inc., a Registered Investment Advisor, Member FINRA, SIPC.


AUL is licensed and authorized to conduct life insurance business in every state of the United States except New York (NAIC #60895).


State Life is licensed and authorized to conduct life insurance business in every state except New York (NAIC #69116).


OneAmerica Financial is the marketing name or brand that applies to the enterprise. OneAmerica Financial is not a licenced insurance company.


PML is licensed and authorized to conduct life insurance business in every state except Alaska and New York (NAIC #67911).